On the last Saturday of every month The Rising of Chicanery presents its second RoCCoN event day and unlike the first day which is an affair of the boardgaming heart day two is dedicated to RPG’s of all types and persuasions. Each month we will be offering table space to folks to run up to four tables but with the option of a slight twist to the usual game environment.

A basic booking provides you with an isolated space with a table for up to eight players and a ref. We supply standard roleplaying accoutrements; pens, paper, dice and cards. The hall has accessible toilet facilities, fans, a tuckshop and oven/microwave during lunch and dinner breaks. But what is the twist?

If a group has a clear idea of what they want to achieve, we are willing to work alongside them to enhance their environment and experience. Costume for a sequence of genres can be provided as well as set dressing, lighting, sound and special effects and handouts. The Chicanery team are happy to help build the package you need to support your game. 

Day Timings and Slots

Our days are broken into four periods as follows:

Team and Ref Arrival: Game runners and set up crew can arrive from 7.30 to prepare their areas.

Morning Slot: Games starting in the morning begin at 9am and finish at 3.30pm – Refs can bring their players in and run their game for any length of time within that window.

Afternoon Slot: Games starting or continuing in the afternoon begin at 3.30 pm and finish at 10pm – Refs can bring their players in and run their game for any length of time within that window.

Packdown: Packdown begins promptly at 10pm and all atendees must be off site by 11pm

Tuckshop Timings
9am – 9.30am
12.30pm -1.30pm
5.30pm -6.30pm

How do I run a game?

If you want to secure one of the tables then message us as outlined below with the following information:

Who you are: Include any background that you want presented to your players

System of Choice: What system are you using to run your game – Include all Homebrew information that you want to throw out and what you will and won’t be allowing in your game.

Your Game: What are you running, what are the parameters (levels for example), are pregens needed and the pitch for the game

Players: What are your max players and how many spaces are left after you include the people that you are bringing with you.

Sessions: Morning? Afternoon? Morning and Afternoon?

Needs: What do you need from us? As outlined in an earlier post we are willing to try and kit you out and pimp up your game.

How do I play in a game?

Every month RoC provides up to four tables of games in any one time slot meaning we could have eight games available for you to join in with. To book in to get involved select your preferred game in the time slot below, read the pitch and if it is for complete the booking form. If a tables limit has been reached you can be added to a waiting list or you can try another pitch.

Once you have committed to a table running a campaign your booking is considered ongoing unless you inform your ref that you are leaving their table or you have failed to attend three games in a row without notice.

DnD 5e Tales of Avion - From 10am -3pm -
Horror on the Orient Express - From 9am -10pm
City on the Edge - A5E from 10am-3pm

Costs and Contacts

Tables that are run specifically by the Chicanery team may have a set prices depending on what is being provided. Otherwise costs run as follows:

Plaitford Village Hall
Salisbury Rd
SO51 6EE

Game Ref: Refs get to run their tables for free

Seat at a table per slot: £5

Kit Packages: Hiring a kit package starts at £25 per session

Concessions: Patreons at £5 or above get a seat at a table across both sessions for free. Other games may offer concessions dependant on ref or situation.

DM Plaguemantle on Discord: ( https:/discord.gg/F2EyXkxA )

Message: The Rising of Chicanery on Facebook

E-mail: info@risingofchaos.com