There are rules that were lain down at the dawn of this world’s creation that we have only just begun to understand. There are creatures that draw from the parallels of magic that we find ourselves tied to.
Basakin Phade, Wizard of the Third Order
Magic in CODA
- Magic is an integral part of the game and an element of it can be found in all things.
- Although magic has changed between now and when the world was first created, the original principles and laws that were its building blocks remain so today.
- Magic of any type can be utilised by anyone with the right skills or abilities, in the form of Casting.
- These skills and abilities can be gained in many ways:
- An inherent skill a person is born with
- Attained over years of intense studying
- A gift to an adventurer after pleasing a power or making a devious deal
- Throughout Vaklam there are supernatural creatures that embody or manifest from each form of magic.
- Some have existed for millennia since the beginning of the world and others have come into being through cataclysmic events.
- However the skills or abilities are gained, any hero of Vaklam can use the magics of the world to aid them.
- Magic has become a dominant, if unpredictable and hard to control, force in all arenas of the world, from social to political.
What Magic is:
- Magic is ubiquitous throughout Vaklam and can come in many different forms and flavours.
- Magic is available to any hero of Vaklam and can be developed at any point in their career.
- Magic is very powerful and can be used for all manner of tasks limited only by the caster’s imagination and ability to use it.
- Magic always has a cost and a chance to go wrong. Although magic users can mitigate and prevent some of the risk there is always a chance of a hefty cost.
What Magic isn’t:
- Secret or obscure knowledge, known to only a few people.
- Rigid and inflexible – If the caster can imagine how their magic could be used to solve a problem then they can attempt to do just that.
- Safe. All magic has a cost – small or big, there will be consequences.
Last updated by
Holly Goodall

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