Challenge the traditions in front of you, to not only learn but to push the boundaries that you have been given and to create new procedures, new skills and to develop new tools that will aid you in your works.
Master Physician and developer of the splinting technique, dr. whately what.
- The below skills are all categorised as ‘chirurgical skills’ – those which allow a character to heal the wounds and traumas of their fellows as they journey out into the world.
- The skill Student of Medicine is required to purchase any other skills in this section.
- The amount of times each skill can be purchased will vary based on your archetype. Refer to your OCS and ensure that you do not have more purchases than the ‘Max Buy’ column!
Tier One
Student of Medicine
- EDV: 1
- Availability: Tier 1+
Allows a Character to interact with any Physical AND Mystical Wound Cards. They should roleplay Injuries for the indicated amount of time and use appropriate tools for the Wound before healing it and returning it to the injured players deck.
Each buy past the first reduces the timing on any Injury by 1 minute in each category (Short, Medium or Long) to a minimum of 1 minute OR adds one suit to any Trauma Check OR allows a character to gain a speciality from the list below, chosen when buying the skill.
- Environmental
- Magical
- Complication
Consultancy Training
- EDV: 2
- Availability: Tier 1+
Allows you to interact with Medical Feat Sheets. Each buy past the first allows you to permanently add one suit to any check of this type that you make.
- EDV: 2
- Availability: Tier 1+
After a minute or so role playing with someone in their death count the character can revive them to one HIT. The character’s death count is paused whilst this skill is being used.
- EDV: 2
- Availability: Tier 1+
After thirty seconds or so role playing with a character the medic can revive them from Incapacitated count to one HIT. The character’s INCAP count is paused whilst this skill is being used.
Tier Two
Student of Medicine
- EDV: 1
- Availability: Tier 1+
Allows a Character to interact with any Physical AND Mystical Wound Cards. They should roleplay Injuries for the indicated amount of time and use appropriate tools for the Wound before healing it and returning it to the injured players deck.
Each buy past the first reduces the timing on any Injury by 1 minute in each category (Short, Medium or Long) to a minimum of 1 minute OR adds one suit to any Trauma Check OR allows a character to gain a speciality from the list below, chosen when buying the skill.
- Environmental
- Magical
- Complication
- EDV: 1
- Availability: Tier 2+
- Pre-Reqs: Consultancy Training 3
Forensics gives an insight into how death occurred, how long a body has been left and who may have killed them. For example a blade entering under the ribs from a difficult angle may indicate a Kuldisar or shorter Human. This allows them interact with any FEAT SHEET labelled Forensics using their Student of Medicine Skill.
- EDV: 2
- Availability: Tier 2+
- Pre-Reqs: 20 Endeavour spent in Chirurgical skills.
Character is now capable of healing injuries to animals. Appropriate roleplaying and timings apply.
Toxicologist and Immunologist
- EDV: 3
- Pre-Reqs: Student of Medicine
Character gains the System Paperwork for dealing with Physical Conditions on Wound Cards as a roleplaying and guidance Supplement. This allows them to attempt to remedy those conditions through Lore, Observation and other skills.
Diviner and Aurarist
- EDV: 3
- Pre-Reqs: Student of Medicine
Character gains the System Paperwork for dealing with Mystical Conditions on Wound Cards as a roleplaying and guidance Supplement. This allows them to attempt to remedy those conditions through Lore, Observation and other skills.
Tier Three
Student of Medicine
- EDV: 1
- Availability: Tier 1+
Allows a Character to interact with any Physical AND Mystical Wound Cards. They should roleplay Injuries for the indicated amount of time and use appropriate tools for the Wound before healing it and returning it to the injured players deck.
Each buy past the first reduces the timing on any Injury by 1 minute in each category (Short, Medium or Long) to a minimum of 1 minute OR adds one suit to any Trauma Check OR allows a character to gain a speciality from the list below, chosen when buying the skill.
- Environmental
- Magical
- Complication
- EDV: 4
- Availability: Tier 3+ Surgeon Archetype only.
If the Chirurgeon reaches someone who has died up to one minute after their death they may make a Skill Check on Spades alongside appropriate roleplaying to revive the dead individual.
If the check is successful the Character is alive, on 1 Hit, and requires a 5 minute recovery period before they can do anything. They must also pull 3 new Wound Cards to represent the extremely traumatic physical process of being returned to life. However they suffer no damage to their essence.
Tier Four
Student of Medicine
- EDV: 1
- Availability: Tier 1+
Allows a Character to interact with any Physical AND Mystical Wound Cards. They should roleplay Injuries for the indicated amount of time and use appropriate tools for the Wound before healing it and returning it to the injured players deck.
Each buy past the first reduces the timing on any Injury by 1 minute in each category (Short, Medium or Long) to a minimum of 1 minute OR adds one suit to any Trauma Check OR allows a character to gain a speciality from the list below, chosen when buying the skill.
- Environmental
- Magical
- Complication
Applied Noblemancy
- EDV: 5
- Pre-Req: Student of Medicine
Through intensive roleplaying character may sew someone back together (Full Hits and arms and legs back on) after 5 minutes of roleplaying
Revivification 2
- EDV: 4
- Pre-Req: Revivification 1
If the Chirurgeon reaches someone who has died up to one minute after their death they may make a Skill Check on Spades and Hearts alongside appropriate roleplaying to revive the dead individual.
If the check is successful the Character is alive, on 1 Hit, and requires a 5 minute recovery period before they can do anything. They must also pull 3 new Wound Cards to represent the extremely traumatic physical process of being returned to life. However they suffer no damage to their essence.
Tier Five
Student of Medicine
- EDV: 1
- Availability: Tier 1+
Allows a Character to interact with any Physical AND Mystical Wound Cards. They should roleplay Injuries for the indicated amount of time and use appropriate tools for the Wound before healing it and returning it to the injured players deck.
Each buy past the first reduces the timing on any Injury by 1 minute in each category (Short, Medium or Long) to a minimum of 1 minute OR adds one suit to any Trauma Check OR allows a character to gain a speciality from the list below, chosen when buying the skill.
- Environmental
- Magical
- Complication
Revivification 3
- EDV: 4
- Availability:
- Pre-Req: Revivification 2
If the Chirurgeon reaches someone who has died up to one minute after their death they may make a Skill Check on Spades Hearts and Diamonds alongside appropriate roleplaying to revive the dead individual.
If the check is successful the Character is alive, on 1 Hit, and requires a 5 minute recovery period before they can do anything. They must also pull 3 new Wound Cards to represent the extremely traumatic physical process of being returned to life. However they suffer no damage to their essence.

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