The duties to the Priesthood, to each other and to the Guild are clearly outlined but there are questions that are often asked and these are the answers to them.
If we ever learn of something that must be made more public how should we proceed?
Whilst it is not the place of the Order to judge the actions of the Priests any member who has attained the rank of Confessor may hear the words of another member of the Order. They may then choose to approach a Lord Protector with news that this information may be harmful to Clergy. Those Members of the Order that hold the rank of Lord Protector are given right to address the assembly of the Synod with concerns however the origin of the information is protected by the Confessor and so anonymity is maintained and the Holy Sanctity of the Oaths are protected.
We move to protect not only the Church we stand for but also its alliances what of conflicts?
We have been charged by our progenitor and also the Clergies we protect to act with good judgement and impunity. Should it be our decision that any practitioner of a faith be acting in a way that is anyway detrimental to our codes, or at least what our codes stand for, then they must be challenged and in extreme cases they must be executed. If any member of the Order is seen to take such extreme action and it is later proven that they have acted without wisdom then they will suffer a lethal penalty.

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