Followers of the Tao are taught from the offset of the various layers that exist within its structure, of the most spiritual of its places, of the hierarchy made up by the senior Fosters and Melkarr and of the Spirits themselves and how they play a part in our lives. Each Ulmargarn, Melkarr, Elestrom or Vormearn will take one of the Oaths and be part of that life, this before any other Path of Way of the Tao is taken. (A character chooses one of the Oaths to represent their tradition.)
The Oath to the Spirits
To bridge the gap and be at one with the Spirits
This oath symbolises those that spend great periods in deep meditation, their mind in the spirit world, to better understand and serve the Gillieabad.
The Oath to the Altar
To be the mark between the people and the Tao and the Tao and the Spirits
This Oath symbolises the duty of the ritualist to help those within the Tao understand the spirits and keep those that have made such oaths aware and informed as to their power and intention.
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