As a Priest or Holy Warrior progresses through the Church, they come to appreciate the responsibilities that fall so squarely upon their shoulders: The day to day lives of their flocks with the problems that stem from family, trade, justice and injustice, aging, death, birth, love, and hate. The demands of the Clergy and Church councils to maintain the status quo between the faiths and to ensure that their Church is well represented among the other powers.
Evils rise that need to be fought and guildsmen call upon the faithful time and time again for their assistance in miracle and deed of arms. Those that can transcend these burdens and continue on their way are exemplars of their faith, however in a society that provides the world with so many followers of said faith exemplars tend to be ten a blade in many ways.
In order to further hone the talents, belief and grace the Clergy gathered to form an order of people to represent the causes of their religions, originally totalling no more than a hundred from each all faiths and called the Harmony of Champions. Through the years since its creation the Champions have grown into a fully blown order where the ways of each Deity is carefully observed.
A Champion of Ipseity stands to protect that which has become the epitome of each and every one of us; to protect us from the invasive nature of society and to give us the strength to look to the path that we would set before ourselves rather than the one that we are forced into by the world in which we live.
A Naedite’s duty is to protect the common folk, through acts of bravery and zeal but to protect what? A Champion of Ipseity protects your freedoms and your rights to be an individual: Inside all people their creativity and their desires live, attempting to flirt with the world and the Champion lives to bring that forward so long as it does not cause damage to the rights of others.
These Naedites are not held by the Church but allowed to wander freely bringing their own heroic nature into play to protect the will and rights of others as they find them.

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