Amputation, reattachment of fingers and general medicine can all be achieved for a small fee if youse know the basics of whatchure doing.

Grimvelt Kegs, Barber Surgeon


  • A Wound Card provides a player with injuries to roleplay and accumulate throughout an event.
  • They are the blue slip that is inside each of your Omni Deck Cards.
  • A Wound card is broken down into two Wound Variants, one on each side of the Card, which indicates the way in which a player was injured.
  • When referring to a Wound Card the player should read the Wound Variant which best describes the reason that they drew the card as follows: Either Mystical or Physical.
  • Each Wound is rated in a severity between 0 and 6 with 6 being the most severe and 0 the least.
  • Each wound takes a specific amount of time to heal and is broken into three categories: Short, Medium and Long.
  • Short wounds take five minutes to heal whilst Medium ones take ten and Long ones take fifteen minutes.

Severities and Timings

Superficial Wounds

0 – Superficial – A light wound with negligible effect on the game lasting for a minute or two and do not need to be healed via Chirurgery

Short Wounds

1 – Minor Wound – A wound that will cause some discomfort but dissipate over one or two scenes.

2 – External – Damage to the external regions that could be terrible but are relatively easy to deal with through Chirurgery and other forms of healing, lingering until healed.

Medium Wounds

3 – Internal – Damage to the internal workings of the body that could be terrible and are harder to deal with than external wounds through Chirurgery and other forms of healing, lingering until healed.

4 – Chronic – These Wounds will be healed but will return over time until they have been seen to by a Chirurgeon or similar in the proper facilities. This is usually assumed to have happened post event and you will be told if this is not the case.

Long Wounds

5 – Grievous – These Wounds are terrible and will need to be healed swiftly or they will have a major impact on that Character for the event.

6 – Mortal – These injuries are such that their impact on your character will be dramatic over the day and if not treated could lead to a swift death.

How to Heal a Wound

  • Wounds can be healed in two ways; by a General Chirurgeon or a Trauma Chirurgeon
  • A General Chirurgeon roleplays with the patient and the wound for the length of time that is needed to treat it.
  • Success is automatic and roleplaying can be as fun and inventive as you would like it to be.
  • The system provides timing devices should you need them at the start of the event to keep track.
  • A Trauma Chirurgeon can opt to attempt an immediate fix of the Wound by roleplaying for approximately a minute at the wound and then pulling against their skill.
  • A success means that the wound is patched up, a failure means that they have made things worse.
  • A Wound Card for a Healed or Patched Up Wound is returned to its Omni Deck sheath and replaced in the deck.

Wound Card Parameters

  • Wound cards contain the following information alongside severity and variant:
  • Injury and Roleplaying guidance – This describes your wound for a Chirurgeon and any roleplaying that you should be following whilst in effect.
  • Wound Mechanic – This is the effect of the unhealed wound.
    • For example; -1 Tactical Point for the rest of the day.
  • Failed Patch Up – This is the effect of the Wound if a Trauma Chirurgeon fails their skill check.
    • For example; -2 Tactical Points for the rest of the day
  • Successful Patch Up – This is the effect of the Wound if a Trauma Chirurgeon Succeeds their skill check.
    • For example; -1 Tactical Point for this or the next scene. This wound is now healed.
  • Armour – The Wound Card carries an area that indicates if your armour, should you be wearing any, has been damaged and how.
  • Condition – The Wound Card carries an area that indicates whether additional effects have been derived from your wounds, such as poison. If this is the case you will have been supplied with an event specific envelope which contains the effect and that should be opened if your card indicates so.

Unhealed Wounds

  • A Wound that is not treated is kept separate from the Omni Deck by the player and is considered untreated
  • The Wound Mechanic continues to linger.
  • If a Trauma Chirurgeon fails their check THEY cannot attempt to heal this wound again and another Chirurgeon of any specialisation needs to attempt to heal it.
  • If a Trauma Chirurgeon critically fails their check this wound becomes critical: Patient must be moved to a safe location, healing time is doubled and roleplaying becomes “They may never play the piano again” territory.
  • If a General Chirurgeon is interrupted in healing someone for more than a minute then they must restart the healing process again.
  • Should a player have one or more untreated wounds in play and then pull an empty Omni Deck Card for Wounds they suffer a “Flare Up”: They endure incredible agony and pass out for approximately 1 minute per active untreated wound that they have.

What a Deck Consists of 

An Omni deck contains 20 standard cards and 2 Critical Cards. The construction of a deck is as follows:

  • Critical Failure One: Mortal
  • Critical Failure Two: Grievous 
  • Chronic 4 
  • Internal 4
  • External 5
  • Light Wound 5
  • Superficial 2
Last updated byHolly Goodall