- You have chosen Focus as your initial magical path
- All Disciples in the Six Duchies are trained in the Churches even if they end up in later training with guilds such as the Oath or the University.
- Your choices now are to decide which deity you follow which are described in the Focus Brief.
- You have chosen to be a Disciple; your Realm Word is Focus, example support words for your Deity are as follows:
- Yarrianne – Peace, Passions, Family, Invigoration, Health, Serenity, Mercy, Vitality, Romance and Support
- Tiberius – Honesty, Bravery, Duty, Honour, Righteousness, Sacrifice, War, Daring, Loyalty and Smithing
- Naed – Freedom, Hope, Protection, Martyrdom, Recovery, Risks, Zeal, Bravery, Defiance and Individuality
- Pracalam – Agriculture, Equality, Guardianship, Safety, Children, Patience, Kindness, Growth, and Graft.
- The Corrigun– Allegiances, Purgatory, Battlefields, Soldiers, Chirugery, Rebirth, Diplomacy, Forgiveness, Secrets and Loyalty
- Ekimelahw – Justice, Law, Order, Truth, Perception, Obedience, Balance, Punishment, Bureaucracy and Contracts.
- Bethylak – Wisdom, Time, Fate, Knowledge, Artificery, Invention, Reason, Politics, Navigation and Exploration
- Terref – Merriment, Luck, Entertainment, Trade, Travel, Weather, Wealth, Conceptions, Bards and Music
- Rayvahn – Agony, Grief, Anger, Suffering, Weariness, Torment, Misery, Punishment, Energy and Endlessness.
- Notelexus – Death, Afterlives, Decay, Terror, Sickness, Ancestors, Spirits, Ravens, Perpetuity and Blood
- The Kraken – Oceans, Futures, Moons, Burdens, Drowning, Sailors, Tides, Mists, Forever and Lost
- Your starting combat casting choices are as follows:
- Yarrianne – Cannot Choose Battle
- Tiberius – Cannot Choose Debilitation
- Naed – Cannot Choose Debilitation
- Pracalam – Cannot Choose Control
- The Corrigun – Cannot Choose Healing
- Ekimelahw – Cannot Choose Healing
- Bethylak – Cannot Choose Battle
- Terref – Cannot Choose Battle
- Rayvahn – Cannot Choose Healing
- Notelexus – Cannot Choose Healing
- The Kraken – Cannot Choose Physical
Opening Spells
As a Disciple you begin with the Focus Buoyed spell and the Buoyed spell of your Pantheon Grouping.
Sense the Focus
Magnitude: 1
Effect: Once this spell reaches completion the Disciple reaches their hand out to within a few feet of the object/person that they wish to examine – If it holds any Focus power they will either be informed through the use of Feat Sheets or their spell will be handled by a ref.
Breath of the Dawn
Magnitude: 1
Description: The Breath of the Dawn speaks of Vigour and energy and when a hand is laid by the Priest on the forehead of the recipient of this spell they feel that vigour in each breath that they take
Effect: The recipients first incap count of the day is increased by 5 seconds – This spell may only be cast on you once each day.
Blessing of [Deity Name]
Magnitude: 2
Description: Those blessed by a Priest of the 11 feel a purpose spread through them; they know that they are accepted by the Gods and that [Deity Name] loves them. With that sense filling them, they are able to better take on the trials of their lives, content in the knowledge that they will ever have a family in the Church.
Effect: The blessed individual gains +1 suit to your first skill check that day.
Breath of the Dusk
Magnitude: 1
Description: The Breath of the Dusk speaks of what has been learned in life and a canniness to avoid death and when a hand is laid by the Priest on the chest of the recipient of this spell they feel that keen in each breath that they take
Effect: The recipients first death count of the day is increased by 5 seconds – This spell may only be cast on you once each day.
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