It is your duty to lead, to observe the future of those that would call upon the Great God of the Deep for guidance, to bring them to whatever end might await them.
Muria Trent of Notelexus to Canoth, drowned priest of the kraken
The differences between Combat and Magic have been heavily highlighted and this section of their mechanics focuses on the spells that you can cast and why they are so different from Transcendental.
- Transcendental Casting is Slow and Freeform.
- Casting involves either summoning a Guide or preparing spells with one that allows you to cast without them.
- This allows the spells that you are casting to be built to be safer than combat and more versatile but harder to force into a shape that is manageable.
- There are Five Realm Words
- Source
- Focus
- Wyld
- Psionic
- Weave
- As you train you gain a Buoyed Transcendental Spell that is specific to that realm word.
- When you select your trained or chosen path, for example, Morrigun College, you gain access to a second Buoyed Transcendental Spell.
- Cosmetic Coolness/Freeform Props – Generically “A small bag of herbs” or “a pinch of booga dust” are just things that people have and can easily phys rep with no need to buy or “really know” what they are.
- You may only benefit from 1 Blessing per day.
Sense the Source
Magnitude: 1
Effect: Once this spell reaches completion the Sourcerer reaches their hand out to within a few feet of the object/person that they wish to examine – If it holds any sourcerous power they will either be informed through the use of Feat Sheets or their spell will be handled by a ref.
Morrigun College
Name: Comet’s Gift
Magnitude: 2
Description: A simple trick that most in the Order wish to learn as soon as possible – the Sourceror shapes raw Source magic into a rank 1 resource, allowing them temporary access to a mundane material that they can fit in the palm of their hand.
Effect: The Sourceror creates the material – within reason; a phys rep will be provided though we recommend you provide any to the crew that you wish to be on hand for certain. This item lasts for one scene.
Deriche College
Name: The Stonesong
Magnitude: 1
Description: Few ever hear the Stonesong, but for those of the Breccia it becomes a second language they know as well as their native tongue. When they speak it, it sounds as though rock grinds against rock and stones tumble in an endless landslide. But for each question asked, the earth has an answer.
Effect: The Vorokian may address up to three questions to any rock, metal or earth. They will receive a response. The inanimate world rarely lies, but it does not always have a useful answer either.
Сливк College
Name: The Blackest Ice
Magnitude: 2
Description: By calling upon their patrons, those who serve the Institute in its most important tasks hide their presence. Those who attempt to scry upon them instead receive only a painful iceburn of headache which bites at the back of their eyes. This dissuades those with the power from prying into what it is they do in service of their Institute.
Effect: The Vorokian is immune to scrying effects of magnitude 2 or less for one scene.
Shadowreaver College
Name: Audience with the House
Magnitude: 1
Description: Calling upon the names of those to whom the Vorokian is pacted, they might request an answer to a single question from their House or from a particular Vorokian that they have met previously. The Vorokian in question is under no obligation to answer, but the House is generally positively predisposed towards those whom are pacted to it and whilst they are not omniscient their knowledge runs deep.
Effect: The Vorokian may ask one question and the ref will supply an answer.
Valordian College
Name: The Trusted Courier
Magnitude: 2
Description: There have been many secrets uncovered by the Order which must be passed on even though its discovery costs the life of the one who found it. Through the use of this invocation, the Vorokian entrusts the wind alone to carry the message, allowing their speech to be carried across any distance to another individual they have met and know well on Vaklam.
Effect: 30 seconds of speech can be carried to any individual the Vorokian knows well. This is usually achieved by use of radios or ref intervention.
Name: Sense the Focus
Magnitude: 1
Effect: Once this spell reaches completion the Disciple reaches their hand out to within a few feet of the object/person that they wish to examine – If it holds any Focus power they will either be informed through the use of Feat Sheets or their spell will be handled by a ref.
Name: Breath of the Dawn
Magnitude: 1
Description: The Breath of the Dawn speaks of Vigour and energy and when a hand is laid by the Priest on the forehead of the recipient of this spell they feel that vigour in each breath that they take
Effect: The recipient’s first INCAP count of the day is increased by 5 seconds – This spell may only be cast on you once each day.
Name: Blessing of [Deity Name]
Magnitude: 2
Description: Those blessed by a Priest of the 11 feel a purpose spread through them; they know that they are accepted by the Gods and that [Deity Name] loves them. With that sense filling them, they are able to better take on the trials of their lives, content in the knowledge that they will ever have a family in the Church.
Effect: The blessed individual gains +1 suit to your first skill check that day.
Name: Breath of the Dusk
Magnitude: 1
Description: The Breath of the Dusk speaks of what has been learned in life and a canniness to avoid death and when a hand is laid by the Priest on the forehead of the recipient of this spell they feel that keen in each breath that they take
Effect: The recipients first death count of the day is increased by 5 seconds – This spell may only be cast on you once each day.
Name: Sense the Spirits
MAG: 1
Effect: Once this spell reaches completion the Ritualist places their hands upon the ground – If there are any Gilleabad within 40ft of the caster they will either be informed through the use of Feat Sheets or their spell will be handled by a ref.
Altar of The Stone Circle
Name: Blessing of the Baserak
Magnitude: 2
Description: This rite seems to have naturally sprung up between ritualist and warrior and is designed to summon the power of the Baserak to those that wish to follow the path of the Vormearn. Whilst this is only a short lived and not as powerful as a Vormearn that is linked fully to their Baserak it is now considered the first step along the path.
Placing a hand upon the forehead of the target Vormean, a compact must be made between vormean and ritualist upon starting the ritual. The ritualist may then perform a rite to ask the spirits for a Baserak to inhabit the target vormean.
Effect: This can then, upon activation from the ritualist, grant the inhabited Vormean one of the following abilities for one combat during that day. It cannot be cast on yourself.
- +1 tactical point
- +1 increase to armour (severity pull)
- +10 seconds to incap count
Altar of The Broken Lady
Name: Hunter’s Boon
Magnitude : 1
Description: A ritualist draws a rough map of the area and burns it whilst calling on the Spirits of the hunt and concentrating on a person or object that they seek.
Effect: Allows the ritualist a rough idea of direction and distance of a desired object or person within approximately 3 miles. The better known to the ritualist, the better defined the location is in their mind.
Altar of The Twelve Trees
Name: The Rite of Consecrated Chambers
Magnitude: 2
Description: A chamber is prescribed with a wand of an appropriate wood and clearly marked, as the rite is undertaken a small quantity of material known to repel the desired creature is sprinkled.
Effect: Creates an area no more than 20ft x 20ft, that the caster must remain in, that prevents creatures/species of the chosen type or disposition and their effects from entering for a scene. The Ritual is known to repel beings of limited power and weak beings of types such as:
- Lycanthropes
- The Returned
- Daemons
- Spirits
Altar of The Gorgon
Name: *Spirits* Eyes
(Insert name of appropriate chosen spirit – Valyjar for Ravens, Musso Coroni for Lions, Nana for Bears, Nasani for Spiders.)
Magnitude: 1
Description: A Ritualist calls to the appropriate spirit and sits, entering a rhythmic chant, and reaches out until they find an appropriate creature and possess it for a short period.
Effect: Allows a ritualist to possess a “beast” within 1 mile of the Ritualist for a scene, they may steer the beast and see through their eyes but take no other actions.
Altar of The Creeping Vine
Name: The Rite of Consecration
Magnitude: 2
Description: An outdoor area is prescribed with a wand of an appropriate wood and clearly marked, as the rite is undertaken a small quantity of material known to repel the desired creature is sprinkled.
Effect: Creates an area no more than 10ft x 10ft that prevents creatures/species of the chosen type or disposition and their effects from entering for a scene. The Ritual is known to repel beings of limited power of types such as:
- Lycanthropes
- The Returned
- Daemons
- Spirits
Altar of The Emerald Willow
Name: The Cleansing Water of Ditaolane
Magnitude: 2
Description: By method of calling the spirit of Ditaolane to a small vial of water that is purified and then in turn spreads that purification across an area is this RIte completed.
Effect: Purifies an area of aberration. This includes purging water, driving out corrupting spirits or preparing an area for consecration. 10 feet by 10 feet or 1 person/object touched
Name: Sense the Weave
MAG: 1
Effect: Once this spell reaches completion; the Weaver reaches their hand out to within a few feet of the object/person that they wish to examine – If it holds any Weave power they will either be informed through the use of Feat Sheets or their spell will be handled by a ref.
Raconteur – Choose One
Name: The Familiar Hearth
Magnitude: 2
Description: The Weaver tells the story of a place that they know well; they must have rested there at least once in their life. As they do, the Weaver and any people listening to the story get a vision of the current state of the hearth they rested at and the surrounding environment. This is a clear and accurate picture of the place as it currently is, and may allow for snippets of conversation to be gleaned.
Effect: The Weaver and anyone listening will receive a description from the ref of the hearth being studied.
Name: A Brief Word to Distant Ears
Magnitude: 1
Description: With the first use of this weft, the Weaver is able to entwine their words with the Weave of another. Only one other person can be ‘entangled’ in this way at a time, lest things start to get very Strange, but whilst this is in effect the Weaver can recast this effect to pass 10 words directly to the ear of the other so long as they remain within one day’s travel of each other.
Effect: The Weaver will be able to pass messages as indicated above – usually with the aid of a walkie talkie.
Fabulist – Choose One
Name: Softstep
Magnitude: 1
Description: The very first tale that those who walk the Unseen Path learn to spin is one that hides their footsteps. By speaking the story of the appropriate mythical figure, the Weaver ties their footsteps to that legendary journey rather than the one they are currently walking. They, and any companions who follow their footsteps exactly, leave their footsteps in the ancient place rather than the physical world.
Effect: The Weaver and any companions who follow their footsteps leave no physical trail.
Name: The Weft of the Weave
Magnitude: 1
Description: Those who walk the path of the Burgeoning Refuge must first learn to sense where the Weave enters the world. Through means of telling a very simple story and seeing how it resonates with the Weave, the Weaver may ascertain whether the barrier between the real and the unreal is indeed thin in the region.
Effect: The Weaver will receive confirmation of whether or not they are in or near an entrance into the Weave. Whether this entrance is physically obvious depends on the event and your ref.
Skald – Choose One
Name: Eulogy for the Lost
Magnitude: 2
Description: It is a sad truth that oftentimes the Weaver may come across the bones of those who have fallen with no clue as to who they are or what their tale might have been. Through means of a brief conversation with the dead body, in which the Weaver recounts the circumstances which led their paths to cross, this can be rectified – at least to some small degree.
Effect: At the culmination of the effect, the corpse will speak its name and the circumstances of its death.
Name: Around the Bend
Magnitude: 1
Description: By glimpsing ahead into the Weave of themselves and their companions before they set forth on a journey, the Weaver is able to get a sense as to whether there will be any knots in the path; this requires a strong sense of the means of transportation which will be employed, and the stories of those who are travelling with them. Once ascertained, this gives the Weaver insight as to whether or not they are likely to be ambushed.
Effect: The Weaver will get an answer to the question of whether an ambush is waiting in the next step of one set journey.
Name: Sense the Astral
Magnitude: 1
Description: By attuning themselves to the flow of astral energies, a Haruspex can follow the meandering course of the Astral amongst the many minds of the world. By focusing their power into their eyes and entering a brief trance they are able to detect any Psionic energies and their relative powers within an object/person
Effect: The Psionicist will be aware of the presence of any psionic energies within the target. They will either be informed through the use of Feat Sheets or their spell will be handled by a ref.
Name: Astral Step
Magnitude: 2
Description: Through attuning their body and their mind together in perfect harmony, those who follow the Universal way learn how to take forceful steps through the Astral and use it to pass physical barriers in the physical world. At this level, through means of this magic no mundane barrier or bond can serve to impede the psionicist.
Effect: The Psionicist can take up to 3 paces regardless of mundane barriers. If they would rematerialise inside physical matter they immediately take 3 Hits and are ejected back the way they came.
Name: Telepathic Message
Magnitude: 1
Description: If a Psionicist has studied the aura of an individual previously, they may use their knowledge of that unique signature in order to send communication regardless of distance or impediment. Touching mind to mind requires the consent of the mind to be touched, but in an instant they may have a brief conversation.
Effect: 30 seconds of communication is possible – usually by means of a walkie talkie.
Name: Memory Crystal
Magnitude: 1
Description: By projecting one’s consciousness into a crystal it is possible to imprint such gemstones with a memory.These crystals must be ‘read’ by a psionicist with the same training, and are commonly used to pass on lessons within the Institute amongst its higher ranking Psionicists.
Effect: The Psionicist can create or read memory crystals which function as above.
Name: Pierce the Astral Barrier
Magnitude: 2
Description: When travelling in the Astral it is often useful to be able to look beyond the barriers that make up the place without moving beyond them, lest one accidentally stir the approach of the White. By focusing one’s power and lightly touching an Astral Barrier it may be rendered translucent to allow the astral traveller to look beyond.
Effect: The Psionicist will receive a description of the area beyond a barrier, or be allowed to peek behind such curtains
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